HeartsWon, Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won
There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

God the Father is good, holy, just, eternal, all powerful, and creator of everything. He loved the world and sent His only Son, Jesus, to be our Savior.

Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. He is God incarnate. He was born of the virgin, Mary, fully God and fully man. He led a sinless life, performed many miracles, and died willingly on the cross to provide for our redemption. He was buried and rose to life bodily on the third day and guarantees bodily resurrection for all those who receive eternal life through faith in Him. He ascended into heaven where He presently intercedes for believers, and He will return imminently and physically to earth in power and glory.

The Holy Spirit is God, He draws unbelievers to believe in God, and performs the miracle of the new birth. He indwells believers at the moment of salvation, enabling them to live godly lives and continually be conformed to the likeness of Jesus.

We were created in the image of God, but because of sin, we are alienated from God. Only through turning from sin and unbelief, to faith and belief, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, are we saved. Only through Jesus' death and resurrection, can the alienation from God be removed. Salvation through Jesus Christ is a free gift for all those who believe. It is not deserved or inherited. It cannot be earned or bought through any works or sacrifice on our part.

The Bible is God’s written revelation to man, and it is inspired, authoritative, and without error in the original manuscripts. It is the authority for the Christian faith.
HeartsWon, Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won
Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won
Statement of Faith
Updated 2017-05-31

Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won
Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won
Copyright Alicia Broaddus 2012-2019, All rights reserved.
HeartsWon, Christian children's books by Alicia Broaddus, Penny Pink Takes a Bath, Hearts Won